Monday, March 30, 2020

Pass, Fail, or Cancel - Understanding The Grade Policy At Pinellas County Schools Spanish Immersion Program

Pass, Fail, or Cancel - Understanding The Grade Policy At Pinellas County Schools Spanish Immersion ProgramStudents who enroll in the Pinellas County Schools Spanish Immersion program are required to complete the course with a grade of 'C' or better. This is also known as Pass, Fail, or Cancelled. This would be equivalent to a low pass mark.Students will have to attend school for one-half day for the entire two-week course, and then be tested once they return home. After the test, students will be required to sign a form indicating that they understand the course material.The majority of students who take the class have shown proficiency on state tests. Even so, it is important for parents to understand that the class is graded on both instruction and testing.Student response to the instructor is a key consideration. Instructors teach English language skills that they have taken in school or through work at home. They are not teachers who study the language, but rather instructors wh o are knowledgeable in the area and who want to share this knowledge with their students.Students who have a high pass rate on state tests are often given good grades. Students who have a low pass rate, especially if they have failed, may receive a poor grade.Teachers make a lot of changes throughout the semester, particularly between the first few weeks of the semester and the end of the semester. This is because the pace of learning, from the beginning of the year until the end, is very fast and continuous. If students can't keep up with the pace of instruction, they can become behind.Students who have taken courses at home with a mentor in the Spanish language can benefit from learning to speak the language at school. It can give them a boost. It can also help if they begin the course knowing how to use the English language in conversation.The study guide provided by the school is a great benefit to students as well. In fact, this can be helpful to students, parents, and teachers . This is because they will be able to read, understand, and review the material.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor

10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor Tips from a Private Irvine History Tutor All students out there will be taking US history and many of you will be taking one of the AP history courses such as AP Euro, AP World or AP US. History is an important subject because it help us understand the world around us (get the grades youre capable of with the help of one of our Orange County history tutors), it helps us know where we came from and it helps us learn about the struggles and sacrifices that our ancestors made in order for us to have a better life in the 21st History also helps us learn about the struggles that people are still going through and how we can contribute to our future. It is also a primary subject and it would be a good idea for students to get an A grade in this subject (READ: A Students Guide to Study Breaks). Take a look at these tips to help you on your way to success as a history student 1. Skim through the entire unit once it is assigned. Don’t simply look at one chapter here and there because all of history is connected in one way or another. 2.   Look for cause and effect in all of the battles and wars that took place during the time span that you are learning about. Note which ‘wins’ and ‘losses’ led to an additional battle or the end of a war (READ: How accurate are multiple choice tests?). 3. US history students should make a list of accomplishments from every president that they are expected to know about. Write down why each president was inspired to make a change or provide a particular service or thing to US citizens. Also, write down a list of shortcomings that each president had. Think about why a particular president made a mistake or what circumstances led to such shortcomings. 4. Make a timeline (use the one provided in your textbook to help get you started). Make a note of all the important dates, events and people involved during that time period. Make sure that you have a different time line for each history class and a different timeline for each country. Try getting some poster paper so that your time line can be big enough that you can leave plenty of blank space and add to it as the semester goes on. 5. Color code. If you are taking world history, assign a different color to each country, this makes things visually clear and helps determine cause and effect. It can also help students understand how different countries relate to each other during wars as well as during times of peace. 6. Take notes. Students should be writing a 5-7 sentence summary of each chapter and a second summary for each unit. This will take you about 15 minutes now but it will save you hours later on and will also serve as a study guide when it comes time to get ready for the midterm and final exams. 7. Annotate your notes. Once you have down some basic notes, annotate them. Underline, highlight, circle or square any crucial information that you might want to remember later on. 8. If you are in an AP class, get the test prep book early on. Just because you will be taking the test in May, doesn’t mean that you should wait until March to order that test prep book. Order it now and use it as a giant study guide (READ: Building Vocabulary: Test Prep Edition). 9. Join a study group. Get together with a few of your friends and/or classmates and meet once a week at a coffee shop (or any suitable place) and discuss the basic events that will be on the next exam. If you are not able to meet in person try forming a history Circle on Google Hangouts where you can all study together remotely. 10. Think critically. In order to truly understand history, it is important to understand the ‘why’ in the WWWWWH (Who What When Where Why How). Answer questions like: Why where women excluded from the vote? Why did the world allow slavery to happen? Why did people endure indentured servitude? Why did people fight in the Crusades? Why did people in urban areas die from the plague faster than people in rural areas? Answers such as ‘because women were not thought of as equals’ or ‘because people thought religion was important’ is not going far enough. Dig deeper to fully comprehend these events (CLICK: Great History Website for Kids). All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

How To Find Tutor Jobs In New York

How To Find Tutor Jobs In New YorkIf you are in search of an employer who can help you get a suitable job, then finding tutor jobs in New York can be a good choice. The city has one of the largest number of universities in the world, and it is also the capital of the state. So there are plenty of people looking for jobs in New York, but how do you get them?First off, your first step should be to look for a job in the city which is able to give you a job that is short notice, and that is able to be done in a short period of time. You may need to find this out from the Human Resources Department of the university, or even the Chamber of Commerce of the city. This is not a problem. They have regular staffing dates, and they can provide you with information on this.Also, you need to know that, if you are looking for tutoring jobs in New York, there are those who require an interview. This is not a problem, and you will need to make sure that you schedule an interview, if you can. There a re plenty of tutors who would love to work with you. Tutors can find your resume online, or they can contact you through email.In the case of your appointment, you need to make sure that you book it so that you do not miss the interview, and you are able to avoid conflicts with other students. And you will need to make sure that you make sure that the tutor is flexible, so that you can go ahead and get the job.Employment opportunities can be difficult to come by, especially if you have never done this before. However, you can search the Internet and ask the professionals. There are usually free job boards that you can join, and that will provide you with many options. Job search sites are a good place to start, as there are plenty of tutors who can work with you.In this case, there are also online agencies that will take care of the job hunt, so that you will not have to search on your own. The agencies will provide you with all the necessary details.When you are searching for tutor jobs in New York, make sure that you take the advice of your friends and relatives, and they can help you with the search. Your friends will always be willing to help you out.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Tutor in Korea - How to Choose One

English Tutor in Korea - How to Choose OneAre you considering taking an English tutor in Korea? I think that this is one of the best ways to learn a second language. Of course, you could take classes or live in Korea and work with an English tutor, but it would still be just as much fun to teach yourself some of the basics before moving forward.The first thing that you will want to do is select an excellent English tutor in Korea who is known for their experience in teaching English. There are many helpful resources online that you can consult to find the best one for you.Once you find one, make sure you like him or her. You should feel comfortable with them and you can find out by asking them how they operate or if they offer a demo session. Another thing you can do is to ask friends and relatives for referrals. This is one of the best ways to learn about the personalities of your potential teachers.Look up their job information and verify that they are licensed. Check their backgro und also to make sure they are legitimate. Do not trust a person with too many references just because they gave you a warm recommendation. A reputable teacher will have one to several and would not be hesitant to offer to show you more of their work.Set up a time to meet with the teacher in person or through Skype or other online meeting to explain your situation and lesson plans. You may want to consider attending a free workshop to see what they are all about.Show them some of your textbook and other course materials. If the teacher seems interested, ask for a private session. Be sure that you are communicating clearly, both in writing and talking with them in person. It is important to avoid any misunderstanding with your tutor, so try not to misunderstand in person. Make sure that you practice speaking the same words with your teacher so that you can get a feel for each other's English style. Remember that it is better to speak your words correctly than to speak incorrectly. If you are comfortable with your tutor, it will be easier for you to communicate. Now that you have picked the best teacher for your studying, you can find the right lessons for your personal needs and schedule.

Lial Intermediate Algebra Homework Help For School

Lial Intermediate Algebra Homework Help For SchoolThere are many Lial Intermediate Algebra homework help for school programs available online, so it is important to know which of these programs you want to join. If you are a new student, you might want to join an online class for more convenience. Here are some things to consider before you sign up.The first thing you should do is find out what the class schedule is like. You will need to plan your schedule at least a few weeks in advance. The reason is that students will need to have a class schedule that includes a lesson on a certain day. This is something that the online class cannot offer. It is just one lesson one day each week.You also need to look at the amount of time the class will need to teach you everything that you will need to know. If you are a beginner in algebra, you will want to find a class that will give you the time that you need to learn. If you are an advanced student, then you can expect to take one lesson pe r week.You will also need to find out if there are any homework assignments that are due during class time. You can either pay for it yourself or find someone to do it for you. Most online courses offer homework help for their students who need it, but you will have to pay for it.This is especially true with homework help for students. Most of the time, you will find that they will provide homework help with the program and it is free. There are some classes that charge money for this service.Finally, make sure that the class meets your expectations. These courses are designed to help students learn at their own pace, so you need to know if you will be able to go inat your own pace.Lial Intermediate Algebra Homework Help for School programs are a great way to help yourself get ahead. Most students have their homework done by the end of their first day in class.

The Difference Between Home Schooling and Online Tutorials

The Difference Between Home Schooling and Online Tutorials The Differences Between At Home Learning And Online Homeschooling ChaptersHome Learning DefinedHomeschooling Online DefinedThe Main Differences Between Home School And Online TutorialsSo which one do you prefer, Homeschooling or online learning?Alternative education like home and online education are rapidly becoming an increasingly popular choice of education, for children and adults alike. With the rise in school fees, reduction of quality classrooms, the lack of security and the pressure that educational intuitions put on their students. People are looking for alternative solutions to public schooling for their learning and education.Online Learning and homeschooling, despite their differences, share essential similarities. In that, once the education or learning has taken place that some new knowledge should remain. Students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and application of the topic confidently as well as show good values.These common learning outcomes define a standard requirement for the student despite how they chose to learn their particular topic. Measuring these outcomes gives us the insight into how successfully the education has been retained by the student.Students can learn to study at home. Photo Source: UnsplashHomeschoolOnline learningLocationLearning can take place anywhere.Only where there is an internet connection.SkillNo Skills are required to attend lessons.Ability to use the PC and interact with software if required.EquipmentNo equipment is required to attend lessons, although homeschool resources can optionally support learning.Internet-ready device with correct specifications for the kind of course, such as a microphone and webcam.Internet connectionNo internet connection is required to attend lessons.Having an internet connection is essential.Live Human InteractionTeachers, parents, guardians or tutors are required to guide the lesson.No live human interaction is required as lessons can be studied via software, video or courseware that the student can independently work through.TimeThe study will be based more commonly around a set schedule and within restricted hours such as 9am to 3pm.Online programs can be studied at any time, Day or night, Although there may be a restriction on live learning. But for the most part, Online learning is very flexible regarding schedule and study times.Location: While homeschooling has the flexibility and the benefit to take place in any location. Including but not limited to a museum, a park, a supermarket or even the playground. Online learning is restricted to wholly being taught via a computer or device that can connect to the internet such as a phone or tablet. While the student may be in any location that has Wi-Fi the learning is within the device as opposed to outside of it.Skill: While the homeschooled classroom has the benefit of hands-on guidance to support students through their lessons, on the whole, it requires no technical expertise. Online learning, however, does need the students to know how to us e a PC to the necessary level and they should be able to understand how to interact with any software that is part of that online learning environment.Equipment: Homeschooling can take place anywhere as we have gathered, but it also requires no necessary equipment, resources or anything additional to run successfully, save the attendance of the student and tutor. Of course, you can use textbooks, educational resources, or subject appropriate learning materials, but this is optional. Online learning, however, needs a device to connect to the internet, be it a computer, tablet or mobile phone. Without a device, you will be unable to attend your lesson. Further, that device must but in good working order and meet the minimum requirements of the lesson to allow learning to take place without technical problems. Such as sound not working or the webcam video failing, both of which would affect the online classroom negatively.A stable Internet connection: One significant difference between the homeschool which we have determined needs almost no equipment at all and the online school. Is the online school would not function if you didn’t have access to the internet. Additionally, if you plan to have a class free of issues, you should have a fast connection with an equally compatible device.Live human Interaction: Homeschooling in all forms requires contact with a teacher, the educator could be a parent, guardian or tutor, very often during the homeschool year the student will work with someone to gain insight on the topic of study. But online education can be conducted entirely without access or contact with a teacher. While some online courses do teach using a person to person approach. There are many courses which are prepared using only software, games, activities and slides.Schedule: While homeschooling tends to revolve around a set schedule which most likely works within social hours. Online learning can take place anytime as long as you have an internet connec tion. You can study in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Live online lessons may have a bit more of a structured timetable depending on the instructor and which time zone they are located in. But for the most part, online learning gives you the flexibility to learn at you own pace and schedule.With the key outcomes of home or online education being that you are able to learn your chosen skill by the end of the training. It is up to you to decide whether you prefer to learn at home or whether online learning has peaked your interest.It is clear that students' successful homeschool learning experiences  result from more flexibility as it requires no equipment or resources to teach a student successfully. The only requirement is that the teacher and student are willing to work together to increase the knowledge of the student.Online learning, however, has a lot of requirements, you need equipment a stable internet connection access to Wi-Fi compatible devices, and in som e cases, you may require a working webcam and microphone. Although the requirements for online learning are higher than that of homeschooling. Its main benefit is that you can reach across the world and find real experts to teach the knowledge that you require.So which one do you prefer, Homeschooling or online learning?I would offer that online learning and homeschooling do not need to be exclusive, but can work together seamlessly to create a productive and enjoyable educational environment. Leading you to success and confidence in your chosen subject. Whatever your learning style and however you have decided to study, it is the act of studying itself that is the achievement.Are you interested in homeschooling your children? Find out how to get started as a homeschooler with this handy guide...Happy Learning!

What a Bassists Does

What a Bassists Does What Do Bassists Do in a Band? ChaptersWhy Bassists Are an Essential Part of any BandWhat’s the Difference between Bass and Guitar?Bass Provides the Rhythm for the MusicThe Bassist: The Keeper of MelodyDifferent Bass Roles in Different Genres“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - PlatoA bassist plays a central role in any band. Along with the drummer, they’re the cornerstone of the band.Many people want to learn how to play a musical instrument but you don’t need to be a world-famous bass player to play in a band.Here’s exactly what a bass player does in a band. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleG uitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Bassists Are an Essential Part of any BandWe could say that bassists are to bands what bricklayers are to houses. Much like a bricklayer, a bassist will create a structure around what everything is built. The bassist plays a fundamental role in a band. (Source: PublicDomainPictures)The bass guitar is an instrument that can add depth, rhythm, groove, and drive to a song.Can you even imagine listening to Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Slipknot, or David Bowie without a bassline?The deep notes provide an atmosphere that plays throughout the song and, along with the drummer, provides the rhythm for the guitarists.The bass is both rhythmic and melodic and serves a double function:Keeps time with the help of the drummer.Plays a melody or bassline that will help the guitarist and singer.According to a Canadian study, the human brain can distinguish lower frequency notes better than higher frequency notes.  Studies also show that bass notes are more likely to get people tapping their feet than notes on a guitar.In short, it’s an instrument that can help you follow the beat of a song.  To show just how important all this is, you just have to listen to Cliff Burton or Jason Newsted o f Metallica (on Orion or Enter Sandman) or Rex Brown of Pantera (on Five Minutes Alone).You can see just how important the bass is on many Red Hot Chili Peppers songs with Flea on the bass: Californication, Snow, My Friends, and Can't Stop, for example.Imagine these songs without the bass lines.  The same is true for plenty of folk, soul, jazz, punk. pop, rock, prog, and metal songs...Learn about the history of the bass guitar.What’s the Difference between Bass and Guitar?To understand the role that a bassist plays in a band, you need to know the difference between them and guitarists. While usually tucked away at the back of the stage, some bassists are also singers. (Source: 6554)While a guitar has six strings, a bass guitar usually has four.Bass guitar strings are tuned in fourths, meaning that each string is four notes apart from the next.Standard tuning is as follows:4th string: E3rd string: A2nd string: D1st string: GThe neck of the instrument is symmetrical and usually cheaper than that of a guitar.  A bass guitar is also an octave lower than a guitar, giving it a completely different role to that of the guitar.Did you know that you don’t need to change your fingering as you play through a scale?The bass player has to accompany the drummer in a rhythmic capacity while helping the guitarist in a melodic capacity.  Another difference is that the bass has a longer neck than the guitar.You have to play the right notes at the right time.The Bassist: The Keeper of MelodyThe bassist is also responsible for the melodies. While guitarists tend to hog the limelight, the bassists are there providing both rhythm and melody for the rest of the band. (Source: Nadine_Em)Take the example of the bassline in Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers:The bass reproduces and accompanies the guitar riff.The bassist follows the guitarist by playing the notes in time.The bass is usually a monophonic instrument that plays the tonic of the chords with basslines that take into account the drumbeat and the guitarist’s melodies. Of course, this depends on the bassist.Sometimes, the bassist is behind the guitarist accompanying them with deeper notes that their instrument can’t reach or the bassist provides the groove or a melody.Take the famous bass riff in Metallica’s Orion, for example.In many cases, the guitar can take a back seat to the bass (Red Hot Chili Peppers, for example), which is often the case with musical genres such as jazz and funk.If the bassist isn’t happy just playing the notes that the guitar c an’t reach, they might also support the rhythm of the guitar with a simple bassline consisting of regular pulses.Learn about the best bassists ever.Different Bass Roles in Different GenresYou need to understand that a bassist won’t play the same role in every type of band (metal, jazz, funk, prog-rock, punk, etc.) nor will they employ the same type of playing. A bassist's role will vary depending on the genre of music. (Source: StockSnap)There are plenty of different techniques:Plucking techniqueRight-hand techniqueFloating thumb techniquePicking techniqueUp and down picking techniqueThree-finger techniquePosition shiftsDead notesHammer-ons and pull-offsSlidesAccentuationThen there’s slap bass.  Slap bass immediately makes the bass a funkier instrument.The finger plucking technique is quite common for bass players. It involves plucking the strings with your index and middle fingers with your thumb resting on the pickup.Once a note is played, the finger will either rest upon the next string or the thumb until it’s called back into action. This allows you to play pulsing rhythms.Be it an electric bass guitar or an acoustic bass guitar, you just have to get to practising that bass!Discover the best basslines ever.If you'd like to learn more about playing the bass guitar, there are plenty of great resources online. You can find tabs for di fferent songs and video tutorials on YouTube that explain how to master certain playing techniques or how to play certain songs.There are also plenty of physical resources like books and even lessons in music schools and conservatories. A lot of musicians teach themselves how to play and nowadays there are so many resources making it much easier for them to do it.If you're still struggling after that or just prefer a more personalised approach, you might want to consider contacting one of the many talented tutors on Superprof. There are different types of tutorials available so there's something for every type of learner and budget.Face-to-face tutorials are your traditional private tutorials between the student and a tutor. They're great if there's something specific you'd like to learn as the lessons will be tailored to you and your learning style. However, this bespoke service comes at a cost, meaning that this type of tutorial is usually the most costly.Online tutorials are also just between a single student and their tutor but their tutor won't be there in the room with them. Instead, they'll provide their tutorial over webcam. While this isn't always ideal for hands-on subjects, if you have a decent mic, a talented tutor can teach you how to play bass without even being in the room with you.Finally, you can also get group tutorials. With several paying students attending the tutorial, this type of tutorial tends to be the cheapest per person per hour. Of course, the tutor's attention is also divided amongst the students and they won't be able to tailor the lessons to a single student. However, in the beginning, this might be a good option as everyone needs to learn the basics and you don't want to spend too much money on a new hobby if you think you mightn't stick at it.Luckily for you, many of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of tuition for free. This is a great way to get to know your potential tutor, ask them about their teaching style, ex perience, and qualifications, and iron out the finer details of the kind of tuition you'd like.

Math Tutoring in Edinburgh 

Math Tutoring in Edinburgh   Find the Right Math Courses for You ChaptersExtra Mathematics Education by LevelIn-Person and Online Math Classes: A ComparisonMaths Help for Test PrepFree Tutoring for MathsHome to almost half a million people, the second-most populous city in Scotland is also its capital. Edinburgh has achieved many milestones throughout its almost 11-thousand-year-old history. While recent fame as the city that inspired the wildly popular children’s series Harry Potter has brought flocks of die-hard fans to the story’s birthplace, Edinburgh has been notorious throughout its long history.Famed extinct volcano Arthur’s Seat was actually one of the first places people settled in the city back in the Bronze and Iron ages. Holding claim to the title of being the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade and service, Edinburgh has recently also earned the record for the city with the most trees per capita in the UK.The home to the first ever Encyclopaedia Britannica, Edinburgh is the perfect place to perfect your arithmet ic, algebraic and trigonometry skills! If you’re thinking about getting help to supplement your mathematics courses but aren’t sure where to start looking, read this guide to find out how to find the perfect level for your math troubles. Get motivated in maths with the help of a tutor! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsExtra Mathematics Education by LevelFrom arduous word problems to complex theorems, mathematics is a very broad and difficult field. Ranging from honours maths courses in elementary school to actuarial mathematics at the college level, finding the right math teacher for supplemental instruction can often be difficult to pin down. One of the ways you can narrow the field is by searching for tutors and tutoring services by your skill level.Those pursuing an MSc for math at a college of science or math will be more worried about research excellence and employability skills. Elementary school children, on the other hand, will have less concerns over discrete mathematics and informatics and more curious about numbers and arithmetic.Searching for mathematicians or services that specialize in giving individualized advice in the level you’re interested in for yourself or your child can be one of the best ways to ensure that your experience in being tutored aligns with your expectations and goals. Here are some of the services you might want to check out in the Edinburgh area!Looking for a maths tutor in Birmingham? Check out our guide!Elementary School MathEngaging with the services of a private tutor or tutoring centre can be a difficult choice to make for both financial and personal reasons. For elementary school children , parents might also want to make sure that their children’s learning environment is safe and reliable. Always go with a reputable service when browsing your options, which can be made easier if the tutoring centre follows strict employment guidelines.Explore Learning is a tutoring centre with locations in Blackhall and Murrayfield that offers help in subjects like English literature, writing and math. If you’ve already asked the math department at your school for recommendations or feel like your child needs extra support outside of a school teacher, Explore Learning can be a great option. Having a ratio of one math tutor to six children, this learning centre strives to offer personalized learning plans and guides for optimal learning. While specific membership fees are available upon request, you can book a free trial lesson for your child if you’re still hesitating. If the financial aspect might be a problem for you, ask about their scholarship and financial aid programs!Wa nt to know about tutors in Belfast? Here's our guide for maths tutoring!Middle School MathAt the middle school level, your child has to begin to juggle extracurricular activities, like participating in a student’s association, with the pressures of academic life. While they may have a specific interest in other subjects like linguistics or psychology, mathematics is a requirement they’ll have to face throughout their school career. If your child is struggling in topics like linear equations, inequalities and algebra, turning to a math tutor can be a helpful solution.Kumon, a notorious tutoring centre invented by a Japanese mathematician in the late 50s, offers tutoring services in both math and English. If you’d like the tutoring environment for your middle-schooler to mimic that of a math teacher while including an innovative approach to tutoring, Kumon can be a great choice. Having four locations throughout the Edinburgh area, you’ll have to register your kid for 35 pounds . Afterwards, the monthly plan of 64 pounds includes access to their facility two times a week as well as practice sets to complete at home. Providing personalized math counselling and preparation, this tutoring centre can be contacted if you have any questions on pricing and availability.Our guide on London maths tutoring will tell you more about Kumon! Practicing interactive math learning with a tutor can make a world of difference!High School MathThe department of mathematics at many high schools, while likely being comprised of only a couple of staff members, can be quite involved in school programs. However, there are still many high schoolers that simply can't grasp concepts in precalculus and geometry even with the help of supportive staff members. The math at this level starts to get a bit more abstract, leading into concepts like abstract algebra, differential equations and more. Even if you’re child isn’t vying to get into a school of mathematics, science and engineering, success in high school mathematics is still essential to graduating.Superprof, with its community of almost 150,000 maths tutors worldwide, offers tutors for all subjects in mathematics. Taught by people passionate about math, from mathematics department research assistants and undergraduates to retired teachers of mathematical sciences, you’ll have 350 math tutors to choose from in the area. From chemistry students at the University of Edinburgh to astrophysicists, you’ll be able to pick a tutor for the average price of 16 pounds an hour.Check out this guide for high school maths tutoring and more in Glasgow!Graduate and Postgraduate MathAccording to the QS World University Rankings, Edinburgh is home to some of the worlds most prestigious universities including Heriot-Watt, St. Andrews, and more. While the Edinburgh university and Edinburgh college system are rich in topics, covering social sciences, archaeology, and more - the mathematics department in various universities are a source of pride to Scotland.While world university or Scottish university rankings serve as a great university guide, life at university can be pretty stressful if you’re studying college math. Whether you’re an undergraduate, postdoctoral or graduate student, you probably have less interest in world university rankings and more concerned over passing your linear algebra or number theory courses. While you’ll be able to get help on Superprof for higher-level maths courses as well, you can also check out other platforms like Gumtree and Tutorful. Prices for tutors on Tutorful range from 15 to 75 pounds an hour. Gumtree offers tutors for a vast array of prices and availabilities as well.Learn more about post-secondary maths tutoring and more in Cardiff with this maths guide!In-Person and Online Math Classes: A ComparisonThe student experience can be a trying one no matter at every stage of the education system. Not only does this have to do with trying to also pursue your personal ambitions outside of being a student, but can also greatly impacted by the cultural, social and political atmosphere in your place of residence. Whether you’re interested in getting a tutor because you’re pursuing mathematics as a career or are simply taking a course to fulfill graduation requirements, there are many reasons why getting an o nline tutor might be more beneficial to your schedule and wallet.Firstly, online math tutors can be better for those working with an irregular schedule and need the flexibility of either working from home or at different hours than those of regular tutoring centres. Secondly, online tutors tend to have cheaper rates and, because of this, can be better for those looking to save money.Both Superprof and Tutorful have tutors available for online math lessons. Tutorful has 3077 tutors available for prices ranging from 15 to 75 pounds an hour. Superprof has a community of about 122,200 online maths tutors starting at 10 pounds an hour.Check out more great maths tutors in Manchester!Maths Help for Test PrepAll of the companies we mentioned have help for test preparation. Some of the tests you might be interested in getting a tutor for can be:11 PlusSATsIBA-levelsGSCEWhen looking for test prep help, regardless of the subject, keep in mind that the price is usually higher for these services .Learn more about GSCE prep in the UK with our guide!Finding online resources can mean getting access to free math programsFree Tutoring for MathsIf you don’t have any room in your budget for math tutoring or simply want to try free resources first, check out your local library to see if they have any free, volunteer-based tutoring programs. If not, using the internet will be your best tool.Maths Tutor UK is a great website for those in primary through secondary school. Created by UK mathematicians, the site covers seven subjects like arithmetic, geometry, and integration. If you’re looking for higher level help, make sure to check out tutorials online such as Khan Academy’s great selection.Here's more about maths tutoring throughout the UK!

French Grammar Rules How to Conjugate Common Irregular Verbs

French Grammar Rules How to Conjugate Common Irregular Verbs Sign up successful The conjugation of “être” is probably the two most irregular verbs in French. For “être,” it can be helpful that “estar” and “ser” are the two Spanish verbs for “to be.” Both verbs are romantic languages with Latin roots. Spanish-speakers may see the forms of both verbs jumping out at them in different present forms. For those who dont speak another romantic language already, watch as the “s” present in the Spanish verbs sneaks back into the present tense conjugation of its French cousin: Je suis Tu es Il / elle / on est Nous sommes Vous êtes Ils / elles sont The root “ser-” the second Spanish verb for “to be” comes back also in conjugating the future tense in French. For those Spanish speakers out there, keep in mind also that the accent circonflex in French (^) often indicates an -s that over centuries became silent and was then dropped. So être  was likely at one time estre, and êtes  was likely once estes â€" again, likely very familiar looking to Spanish speakers out there. The verbs “aller” and “avoir” also change forms quite a bit in the present tense: Je vais Tu vas Il / elle / on va Nous allons Vous allez Ils / elles vont J ai Tu as Il / elle / on a Nous avons Vous avez Ils / elles ont The verb “faire” becomes a bit more regular. Like most -re verbs, the -re in faire comes off and is replaced by various endings in the present tense, with the exception of the third person plural. Some of the endings corresponding with other subject pronouns also vary a little from the typical -re endings. It is worth noting that this verb really has two separate meanings â€" to make and to do. So whether you talk about doing homework or making a cake, you will use the same verb when speaking in French. Here is the present conjugation: Je fais Tu fais Il / elle / on fait Nous faisons Vous faites Ils / elles font A notable element of irregular French verbs is that they sometimes come in pairs and trios that are conjugated in the same way. The pattern for conjugating “venir” can also be applied to “tenir” (to hold) and “revenir” (to come back). Je viens / tiens / reviens Tu viens / tiens / reviens Il / elle / on vient / tient / revient Nous venons / tenons / revenons Vous venez / tenez / revenez Ils / elles viennent / tiennent / reviennent Other similar pairs include: 1) “croire” (to believe) and “boire” (to drink) 2) “voir” (to see) and “revoir” (to see again) 3) “mettre” (to put) and “remettre” (to put back) Look out for these patterns to help you categorize the irregular verbs you know, and to learn them more easily! French grammar also has two irregular verbs for to know â€" “connaître” and “savoir”. To learn more about how to conjugate irregular verbs, check out the video below. As you acquire more French vocabulary, try practicing using these verbs. For instance, talk about places you might want to go to practice the verb “aller,” or descriptions of yourself or your and friends to use the verb “être.” Then write it down, and check your spelling for each form, correcting them if necessary. You might try using one or two per week â€" because each one will take repetition and reinforcement to remember, especially with the irregularities. Remember how common they are, though. That is, after all, why they are so irregular. Even with only a few verbs, you may find there is a lot you can say! For more one-on-one help with the French language, sign up for lessons with a private French tutor! Tutors are available to teach you in-person or online via Skype. Search for your French tutor today! Carol Beth L. teaches  French lessons in San Francisco, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching since 2009.  Learn more about Carol Beth here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by The Natural Step Canada